Thursday, April 11, 2013

4/10 The Weimar Republic

 Article 48: which gives the president the power to suspend civil liberties in times of crisis. This was the legal pretext the Nazis used to turn Germany into a dictatorship. 

    During period of crisis such as, political ,economical or civil revolution, i will agree that weimar president's power to suspend some civil liberties that can cause serious consequences to the well being of the citizens. For example, many rumors turns into gossip that eventually result into public mannifestation that disturb the management of government business, and individual bussiness.

Article 119: which provides constitutional protection for marriage and motherhood: 
     Marriage, as the foundation of the family and the preservation and expansion of the nation enjoys the special protection of the constitution. It is based on the equality of both genders. It is the task of both the state and the communities to strengthen and socially promote the family. Large families may claim social welfare. Motherhood is placed under state protection and welfare.

Under this article, i understand the value of  the marriage system,  the union of one male and one female  to create a family and their right to live happilly  is fully protected by the governement.  i strongly agree to this concept for the fact, it is constitutionally elaborated and clearly identify what is a husban and a wife. A couple whose income is not sufficient providing  a healthy grow of their offspring are entitle to benefit social welfare.       

Article146: The Weimar Constitution not only provides a right to education but specifies in detail what this right entails
    Within the communities, at the request of Erziehungsberechtigten (legal guardian), Volksschulen (primary school) of their confession or world outlook have to be established, if this does not obstruct the regular operation of the school. The wish of those Erziehungsberechtigter has, when possible, to be considered. Further details are specified by state legislation, according to principles laid down in a Reich law. Reich, states and communities have to provide funds to allow poor children access to middle and high schools, to grant financial aid to parents, whose children are regarded qualified for the education on middle and high schools, until their education is ended.
Definitely weimar constitution  guarant a formal education to every child. It does not discriminate any child to addent school, Middle and high school are based on an elementary school common for everybody. Also, financial aid is available for those qualified but who are unable to afford tuition. A child admission in a school is not affiliated to his or her economic status, religion belief, or social position.

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