Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Final exam

    Nihilism in Germany around the early nineteenth century can be determined by various movements: artistic, religious, economical, political, cultural.  Writers, painters, musicians, community organizers or politic party leaders especially in Germany, who broadcasted  negative social issues through paintings and mass communication like the cinema in order to clearly govern and emphasize new approach or strategy plans to reform the previous government that was divided into different socio-economic class.
     Some political parties that existed were: The socio democratic party, the largest party but depended on other parties like the Catholic Center Party and the German Democratic Party (Deutsche Demokratische Partei, DDP) to form a majority. The DDP was made up of left-leaning liberals and intellectuals like Max Weber, this party was the weak link in the chain however and could not deliver enough of the votes. After 1920 this coalition never received a majority again. In order to form a majority government a “Grand Coalition"  would have to include the conservative, right-leaning parties, like the German People’s Party (Deutsche Volkspartei, DVP) that represented big business interests, or the German National People’s Party (Deutschenationale Volkspartei, DNVP) which represented the remaining feudal nobles and was the most conservative class in Germany outside of the Nazis.
      Dadaism as a worldwide movement had begun. Many figures of Dada  change in "tactics" from revolutionary  Nazism seizure of power in the state to artistic production is relevant in itself as it suggests a retreat from more direct modes of confrontation with political authorities.
Jünger endorses the historical theory stating that liberalism basically died during the World War I and we have now entered a "post-liberal" phase in history. This approach is parallel to the famous Nietzsche–who is  Nihilistic based on his statement that  "God is dead"; ,and the religious sector of German’s society is established on the purpose to generate wealth, to make science  and new technology, innovations accessible to a group of individuals. Moreover,  Jünger's lament over the conditions of modern life and the loss of values are in his view this loss is nihilistic.    
    However, not many writers can bring you in to the "eye of the storm" so to speak and provide a sociological and cultural analysis of life inside Nazi Germany–even if Jünger is careful to avoid any explicit reference to the Nazi party. At many points it seems as if the essay is to provide a strategy for how to adapt to life like this, which is basically be an obedient worker and do what you are told.
   For most conservatives the pain of life from Junger vision, dissolves–or negates–the structures of "metaphysics," systems of ideas based on concepts like: freedom, justice, and progress. In a very real sense pain is the ultimate reality; the others are illusions. 
     The development of Marxist thinking to take into account cultural and psychological factors to better explain the resistance of the workers to revolutionary politics was one of the prime motivations for the establishment of institutions like the Institute for Social Research, also known as the Frankfurt School.

    The history impact of these Dadaism artists to  present day  as quietly  change ruling party in Germany the Christian Democratic Union is still conservative but favors government intervention in economic matters. The modern day version has unified Catholics and Protestants (divided along Southern and Northern regions in Germany), who were still separate during the early 20th century.  The social democratic party was supposed to represent the working class, and for decades it did. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Walter Benjamin: "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

The first thesis is an allegorical piece that lays out Benjamin's approach to studying history by combining historical materialism with theology.

 Historical materialism is the name that Karl Marx gave to his own approach to studying history: an unceasing struggle between competing economic classes that go through various stages of productive development and decline culminating in capitalism in the present, with the belief that the true end of historical development will be completed with the creation of a socialist society in the future. Marxism to this extent is also a part of Enlightenment thinking because it is also driven by, at the time, a new sense of historical awareness.

The scientific method is the proper means of studying the material (or physical) aspects of society, and so Marxism always identified itself as a scientific theory. However, science by itself can only understand material life, what remains is the ideal or cultural part of life which historical materialism dismisses as unimportant. What Benjamin is saying in short, that the scientific theory of historical materialism must be united with theology or religion in order to have a true grasp of human life and retain the human concern with emancipation. In other words, Benjamin is trying to see if there is a way to reconcile science with religion which seems to be a distinctly modern problem that people are still dealing with today. However, this view is at odds with Marx's thought who rejected religion and theism as "opiates for the masses

The second, third and fourth theses outline what should be the focus of history. Benjamin argues in the second that redemption is fundamentally tied to our idea of happiness and that the concern with the past shows a concern with redemption. Redemption meaning the ability to fix or correct past injustices. History should then bring out and make people aware of the long history of injustices inflicted upon people. Becoming aware of this will help motivate people to want to put an end to injustice or as he says, "like every generation that preceded us, we have been endowed with a weak Messianic power, a power to which the past has a claim. That claim cannot be settled cheaply". It cannot be settled cheaply because it is a claim made not only by the present generation, but by all the previous generations that have come before

All of these theses suggest that prior histories have tended to overlook or suppress the histories of the oppressed classes. The next several deal with the failures of the bourgeois classes to create accurate and reliable historical works, and how this serves a political function.
      " The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" , as the above illustrations deriving from Walter Benjamin essay, direct we the audience on how to identify  and develop new strategies plans for the future generations from the pains and diseases  of  various  social inequality factors that culminated into  world war I and II and the Great depression. 
As dadaism artists, Benjamin essay is composed of photo montages quotes, because it was  dadaism period. 

5/1 On Pain

As a rule one will not have to go far to uncover the pain. Indeed, even the individual is not fully free from pain in this joyful state of security. The artificial check on the elementary forces might be able to prevent violent clashes and to ward off shadows, but it cannot stop the dispersed light with which pain permeates life. The vessel, sealed off from pain’s full flow, is filled drop by drop. Boredom is nothing other than the dissolution of pain in time (p.13)
    There is not a  situation without pain,  pain exist in every existing, imaginary or  secure world each individual life no matter how this individual's life is seen at different angles of beauty. Moreover, this pain is like the blood circulating in the vessels or arteries. Refering to Nihilism in Germany, the weimar republic, frankfurt school, Marxism, were different reforms or constitutions, developed plans to bring harmony and organize German's government ; but creating harmony in a goup, a community, a country is  is a streneous enterprise, for obstacles to transpast especially in, life style, psychology, behavior, and knowledge, thoughs.  Every action measured smaller like an atom does matter in elaborating and executing these laws.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hitler's Final Speech at his Trial for Treason, March 27, 1924

Then, gentlemen, not you will be the ones to deliver the verdict over us, but that verdict will be given by the eternal judgment of history, which will speak out against the accusation that has been made against us. I know what your judgment will be. But that other court will not ask us: Have you committed high treason or not? That court will judge us, their quartermaster-general of the old army, its officers and soldiers, who as Germans wanted only the best for their people and Fatherland, who fought and who were willing to die. You might just as well find us guilty a thousand times, but the goddess of the eternal court of history will smile and tear up the motions of the state's attorney and the judgment of this court: for she finds us not guilty.1

By evaluating the above paragraph, i find that Hitler is concerned about the consequence of being the prime leader of German's army into the war. He is persuating his innocence over all the afther math result of the German's army ( death of soldiers and the overthrow of the previous governement (weimar republic).

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Max Weber: Politics as a Vocation

    At the same time everyone who lives ‘for’ politics (vocation), also lives ‘off’ politics (avocation) in that they are financially dependent upon politics for a livelihood. However, the typical way in which politics, status honor, and meaning intersect and mediate each other is through nationalism. The nation then becomes the substitute for the loss of meaning in traditional authorities caused by the rise of nihilistic thought in the late 19th century. The nation becomes a substitute for God. The concept of civic religion is related to this idea and is closely related to the development of republican states in the ancient world.
     With the nihilism approach, stating that the nation becomes a substitute for God is the truth about a government. To further explained, the  nation is the absolute eye for each citizen.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

4/10 The Weimar Republic

 Article 48: which gives the president the power to suspend civil liberties in times of crisis. This was the legal pretext the Nazis used to turn Germany into a dictatorship. 

    During period of crisis such as, political ,economical or civil revolution, i will agree that weimar president's power to suspend some civil liberties that can cause serious consequences to the well being of the citizens. For example, many rumors turns into gossip that eventually result into public mannifestation that disturb the management of government business, and individual bussiness.

Article 119: which provides constitutional protection for marriage and motherhood: 
     Marriage, as the foundation of the family and the preservation and expansion of the nation enjoys the special protection of the constitution. It is based on the equality of both genders. It is the task of both the state and the communities to strengthen and socially promote the family. Large families may claim social welfare. Motherhood is placed under state protection and welfare.

Under this article, i understand the value of  the marriage system,  the union of one male and one female  to create a family and their right to live happilly  is fully protected by the governement.  i strongly agree to this concept for the fact, it is constitutionally elaborated and clearly identify what is a husban and a wife. A couple whose income is not sufficient providing  a healthy grow of their offspring are entitle to benefit social welfare.       

Article146: The Weimar Constitution not only provides a right to education but specifies in detail what this right entails
    Within the communities, at the request of Erziehungsberechtigten (legal guardian), Volksschulen (primary school) of their confession or world outlook have to be established, if this does not obstruct the regular operation of the school. The wish of those Erziehungsberechtigter has, when possible, to be considered. Further details are specified by state legislation, according to principles laid down in a Reich law. Reich, states and communities have to provide funds to allow poor children access to middle and high schools, to grant financial aid to parents, whose children are regarded qualified for the education on middle and high schools, until their education is ended.
Definitely weimar constitution  guarant a formal education to every child. It does not discriminate any child to addent school, Middle and high school are based on an elementary school common for everybody. Also, financial aid is available for those qualified but who are unable to afford tuition. A child admission in a school is not affiliated to his or her economic status, religion belief, or social position.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

3/20 The German Revolution of 1918 & Spartacus Uprising 1919

One thing is certain. The world war is a turning point. It is foolish and mad to imagine that we need only survive the war, like a rabbit waiting out the storm under a bush, in order to fall happily back into the old routine once it is over. The world war has altered the conditions of our struggle and, most of all, it has changed us. Not that the basic law of capitalist development, the life-and-death war between capital and labor, will experience any amelioration. But now, in the midst of the war, the masks are falling and the old familiar visages smirk at us. The tempo of development has received a mighty jolt from the eruption of the volcano of imperialism. The violence of the conflicts in the bosom of society, the enormousness of the tasks that tower up before the socialist proletariat – these make everything that has transpired in the history of the workers’ movement seem a pleasant idyll.

 Obviously, this passage defines the Chaos in German government during the war period. The tempo of development has received a mighty jolt from the eruption of the volcano of imperialism (Luxemburg's essay). it defines a dead government, at this point the religious sector, proletarian, political parties all resembled  like a rabbit waiting out the storm under a bush, in order to fall happily back into the old routine once it is over.  in brief, if i imagine myself in that period of war in Germany,  i was living under violence, no shelter, no  food, prone to violence, no proper road to take in surviving. And Nietzsche would  agree as nihilism in Germany.Moreover, all the departments of  German's government, are not operating  on their  normal routine, corruption in the labor department is dominant, ignited conflict between capital and labor has not been reformed.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Film M.

                                                        Two movies related to M.
     What is nihilistic? Pauvrety, Newtown Gun Shooting, economic crisis, sexual lust, war,one country being a superpower.  Mental insanity resolting to undesirable behaviors is a common theme in the following movies "M" , the Cabinet of  Dr. Caligary, Lucio Fulci’s  Don't torture a Duckling, Aldo Lado’s Who saw her Die? in most case a cause of suchnihilistic behavior is caused by economic crisis, sexual drive, religious moral. human at all ages tends to act nihilitis behavior at all the time. however, a true confesion of ones needs to a community can decrease the occurence of insane behaviors. Always someone need or want is restrained by an opposite person that bring the feeling of nihilistis the person life.
    The way in which murder is depicted in this film  " M" is different from Caligari. Cesare is compelled to kill because he has no will of his own. Rath is also shown as someone who is consumed by lust, but in this film. Fulci’s film is the better – and better-known – of the two, in its story of an enterprising reporter’s attempts to identify the culprit of a chlid murder . In the spirit of M, Duckling also cast a critical eye on society by focusing on the witch-hunt mentality that arises among the villagers in their search for the killer. The violence – particularly in a graphic scene depicting the “chaining” death of an innocent local witch – is quite gory, but Fulci nevertheless restrained from showing the graphic details of the child murders. Lado’s less-successful Who Saw Her Die? focuses on the search for a killer of two redheaded young girls, seemingly by a female culprit whose face remains hidden behind a black veil up until the final reveal. Likewise, it shows a good amount of restraint in dramatizing the child murders, indicative of the public’s squeamishness regarding the subject matter. It’s also notable for featuring a creepy score by Ennio Morricone. 
    All of the films deal with the theme of mental insanity to some extent as well. The stark treatment of themes like murder and insanity in the films relate to another argument of Kracauer, who argued that specifically German films produced in this period of time are more brutal and unflinching than films produced in other countries, precisely because of the aftermath of the war, internal revolution, horrible economic circumstances, etc. To use a more modern term, the Germans are essentially desensitized to violence and so are able to consume cultural products such as this despite the repeated use of such nihilistic themes. However, Kracauer interprets this as providing a more realistic depiction of social reality and thus of greater artistic value to the critic.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Blue Angel

                                                             THE BLUE ANGEL
                                                                 RALPH LOLA

                                   When Love Is Stronger Than Pain ,We still Belief in Love
                                       When there is no trust in love we fail from that pain.
                   Whoever fail from  lover's pain in life your story is alive, therefore you are alive.

    Ralph a reputed school instructor but single became obsessed by Lola.Without carefully studying Lola 's deep life who was a public entertainer  having many lovers. Their romance ended with huge deception when the two characters lifestyle was not congruent. Resulting in Ralph's career and life destruction.

    let recall from the scene, when Ralph visited Lola's cabaret the costume that he wore and  the mustache above the lips symbolized a high status personality in the society. Mentioned  that he employed a house maid too. He was respected by his students, the staffs of the cabaret also the police officials, subsequently Ralph had power. Lola's love enlightened his life unfortunately, the community members including  Lola, Students school 'official, were not collaborating to Ralph happiness culminated to Ralph destruction.

    The turning of the early 20th century, male superiority over the female was dominant in many aspect of the government especially in Germany. For instance, classroom was composed primary by Ralph and the male students. No single female student was among them. The same discrimination is seeing with the police official, all composed of male. Frankfurt school members like Marx' and Engels' analysis that the enslavement of women was the first building block of an economic system based on private property. They contend that elimination of the capitalist profit-driven economy will remove the motivation for sexism, racism, homophobia, and other forms of oppression. 

No Time (Keine Zeit)
There may still be those who live unhurried lives
and don’t care about the hectic pace of these times.
Those who are not yet wildly obsessed
as they devour food from vending machines and make themselves sick.
However, in these frantic times, you meet few of these unhurried people.
Nowadays you stand at the vending machine,
with the token in your trembling paws.
You insert the coin, the tray revolves, and you take some bread.
Then you eat the roll at a frantic pace,
because hundreds of others are right behind you.
You chew and you chew without peace and rest
because there is a voice telling you:
"Insert token, take out bread,
for the food might soon be sold out."
One eats without finesse.
No time, no time, no time.
Yes, we have no time.
Sorry, but we're always on the go,
with tongues hanging out as we run.
We have no spare time.
No time, no time, no time,
no hours nor even a second to spare.
We hardly sleep, we don’t rest.
No time, no time, no time.
Nowadays, a person doesn't have a second to spare.
Yet many even think the pace is too slow.
If you do business today, you go bankrupt before you have even started.
People don't want to waste time with the beginning,
they'd rather skip straight to the end.
In this day and age, you fall in love in the evening, are engaged at night,
and get married the next morning.
At noon you have a fight; by night you're divorced.
In negotiations between countries, before a treaty is evened signed,
it's already broken.
Because nowadays it is considered chic to be quick.
No time, no time, no time.
Yes, we have no time.
Sorry, but we're always on the go,
with tongues hanging out as we run.
We have no spare time.
No time, no time, no time,
no hours nor even a second to spare.
We hardly sleep, we don’t rest.
No time, no time, no time.

Es soll noch Menschen geben,
die ganz gemuetlich leben und sich nicht kuemmern um das Tempo unserer Zeit.
Die noch nicht wild besessen aus Automaten fressen, bis ihnen uebel wird vor lauter Schnelligkeit.
Jedoch in diesen bewegten Zeiten, trifft man nur wenige von diesen Leuten.
Denn heut steht man im Schnellautomaten, mit der Marke im zittrigen Pfoetchen.
Oben steckt man sie rein und dann gibt’s einen Dreh, schon ist unten zum Vorschein ein Broetchen.
Und dann isst man das Broetchen in rasender Hast, denn es warten ja schon hundert andere und man kaut und man kaut, ohne Ruh ohne Rast, denn es sagt eine Stimme, der wandere.
Marke rein, Broetchen raus, schon ist dein Essen aus.
Man ist schnell ohne jede Finesse, der es schmeckt ist ganz ohne Fingresse.
Keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Zeit. Ja, wir haben keine Zeit. Es tut uns leid.
Wir sind immer auf dem Sprung, haengt uns raus schon die Zung und doch wir rennen, ja wir kennen keine Zeit.
Keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Stunde und Sekunde haben wir Zeit. Ja, wir schlafen heute kaum noch, denn wir ruhen uns nicht aus. Keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Zeit.
Man laesst sich weit und breit heut nicht mehr Sekunde Zeit heut.
Es geht im Gegenteil uns noch zu langsam fast.
Machst du Geschaefte heute, bist du bereits schon pleite, bevor du ueberhaupt noch angefangen hast.
Man moecht am liebsten, ja das soll’s geben, das Ende noch vor Beginne leben.
Heut verliebt man sich abends, verlobt sich bei Nacht und vermaehlt in der Frueh sich zufriede und am Mittag da hat man bereits sich verkracht und am Abend ist man wieder geschieden.
Findet heut zwischen Laendern Verhandlungen statt und die Herren haben alles besprochen, ja dann wird noch bevor unterzeichnet man hat, der geschlossene Vertrag schon gebrochen,
denn das findt man heut chick, denn wir sind ja so quick.
Es ist gleich, ob wir heute reell sind, denn die Hauptsache ist, dass wir schnell sind.
Keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Zeit. Ja, wir haben keine Zeit. Es tut uns leid. Wir sind immer auf dem Sprung haengt uns raus schon die Zung und doch wir rennen, ja wir kennen keine Zeit.
Keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Stunde und Sekunde haben wir Zeit. Ja, wir schlafen heute kaum noch, denn wir ruhen uns nicht aus. Keine Zeit, keine Zeit, keine Zeit.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

  A style of art developed in the 20th century, characterized chiefly by heavy, often black lines that define forms, sharply contrasting, often vivid colors, and subjective or symbolic treatment of thematic material. Traditional forms of culture like painting became obsolete by mass culture, and in second sense you can actually see the visual styles of expressionisman artistic and literary movement originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, which sought to express emotions rather than to represent external reality: characterized by the use of symbolism and of exaggeration and distortion integrated in the films, summed up by one of the film designers who declared that "films must be drawings brought to life." expressionism and Dadaism: A European artistic and literary movement (1916-1923) that flouted conventional aesthetic and cultural values by producing works marked by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity.
occured in the same period.

Words, images, pictures have power and influence our lifestyle and understanding of societies. in term of nihilism approach, an 11th century monk having power to take life of a peson obviously is fake to the society therefore nihilistic.Francis enlists the help of some of the staff who go through Caligari's papers. They find that he is obsessed with the fictional story of an 11th century monk who was able to wield hypnotic powers over a sleepwalker. When, a sleepwalker was delivered to this hospital he began his plan on using the sleepwalker as his hypnotized slave to carry out murders and gain power. obviously, it is an evil power that Dr. cailigary is obsessed, again nihilistic to the society.

                                         Marxism and frankfurt School.
The founders of Marxism, Marx and Engels, participated in the “International Workingmen's Association” from 1864 to 1872, where they found their first base of support and a connection with the workers' movement. Based in London, the International found supporteres across Europe and in the U.S.A.They tended to focus on a different dynamic, a different unity-of-opposites, the opposition between culture and society, or more specifically the utopian values contained in art and the dominant social norms.
Marx emphasized praxis at a time when almost every other intellectual favored detachment from reality. Even Hegel, Marx argued, did not see that it was really the interaction of opposing economic forces: the forces of production (technology, science, and culture) and the ownership of the means of production, that was the true driving force of change in history, and which takes the form of the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in modern times. However, to bring things full circle the old theoretical foundation (based on the proletariat) on which praxis rested had now been broken. All of the economic conditions were present for revolutionary change in 1918, yet when faced with this pivotal moment, the supposedly revolutionary workers and their leadership became conservative. So how could this new generation born around the 1890s, who came of age during the war find a new way to revive praxis?
     Values change over time because of the critical role that art plays in society, producing new syntheses of values that are generated from the clash between culture and society. To understand better the motivations behind values or belief systems, they also incorporated Freudian psychoanalysis based on the idea of the unconscious, which Freud claimed he "discovered." Nietzsche's emphasis on cultural decline and nihilism was also added to the mix. (Nietzsche's concepts of the "Apollonian" (reason) and "Dionysian" (sensuality) as forces within art itself, also suggests this idea of unity-of-opposites and synthesis, as does his most famous saying: "whatever does not kill you, makes you stronger." The synthesis of injury and health produces a stronger body.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Listen well, my dear, listen well! The sinner, which I am and which you are, is a sinner, but in times to come he will be Brahma again, he will reach the Nirvana, will be Buddha—and now see: these 'times to come' are a deception, are only a parable! The sinner is not on his way to become a Buddha, he is not in the process of developing, though our capacity for thinking does not know how else to picture these things. No, within the sinner is now and today already the future Buddha, his future is already all there, you have to worship in him, in you, in everyone the Buddha which is coming into being, the possible, the hidden Buddha.g is perfect, everything is Brahman.  The world, my friend Govinda, is not imperfect, or on a slow path towards perfection: no, it is perfect in every moment, all sin already carries the divine forgiveness in itself, all small children already have the old person in themselves, all infants already have death, all dying people the eternal life. It is not possible for any person to see how far another one has already progressed on his path; in the robber and dice-gambler, the Buddha is waiting; in the Brahman, the robber is waiting. In deep meditation, there is the possibility to put time out of existence, to see all life which was, is, and will be as if it was simultaneous, and there everything is good. Therefore, I see whatever exists as good, death is to me like life, sin like holiness, wisdom like foolishness, everything has to be as it is, everything only requires my consent, only my willingness, my loving agreement, to be good for me, to do nothing but work for my benefit, to be unable to ever harm me. I have experienced on my body and on my soul that I needed sin very much, I needed lust, the desire for possessions, vanity, and needed the most shameful despair, in order to learn how to give up all resistance, in order to learn how to love the world, in order to stop comparing it to some world I wished, I imagined, some kind of perfection I had made up, but to leave it as it is and to love it and to enjoy being a part of it.—These, oh Govinda, are some of the thoughts which have come into my mind.
    From the above description of life, i understand and i am motivated that : One life my life is perfect and should be perfect for everybody else living at any moment in it.  The world in which we are living now is perfect at every moment. The universe is our habitat and is full of love of beauty of vanity, but as stated above all sin are forgiving- the sinner, which i am and which you are, is a sinner, but in times to come he will be Brahma again, he will reach the nirvana, will be Buddha.
    Iraq War, Slavery, WWI, WWII, examples of human catastrophic moments were sin in one hand, on the other side, they were sin that has been forgiving, these act has been Brahma the world is perfect once again.
How deep is the power of the Universe. i assort out that knowledge is Right or Wrong. in a society the right of every body should differ not greater than  ten (10) percent.
   Nihilism in Germany, Dada movement, Religion, Buddhaism  are   philosophy discipline. At a point in time, they were created by ancient generation to organize, or govern their society. Somehow, we should not hurt each other. Wealth should be abundant and divided rationally to everyone. Because, there is no sin and all sin are forgiving.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Impressionism, Dadaism, " New Objectivity".

                                         John heartfield (1891-1968).

   Born  with The name Helmut Herzfelde in Berling 1891, is now known as  John Heartfield for fear of political persecution in Germany. Obviously, John  Heartfield  was an enthusiastic and famous artist of the Dadaism  revolution that dominated Most European country in the approach of the first World War I . Grown up as an orphan at the age of seven (7), served  as an apprenticeship bookseller in Wiesbaden 1905-06, before going to Munich to study  Art at the "Kunstgewerbeschule" from 1908 to 1911. After a brief interval as a graphic artist in Mannheim, Helmut Herzfelde returned to Berlin. There he studied once again, at the "Kunst- und Handwerkerschule", until 1914, when the first world war broke out. In 1915-16 he was inducted for active service into the German armed forces. In 1916 Helmut Herzfelde was so incensed at the anti-British feeling in Germany that he protested by changing his name to John Heartfield, using this pseudonym for the rest of his career. That same year, 1916, John Heartfield and his brother founded the Malik Verlag publishing house in Berlin; John Heartfield was responsible for the graphics for its publications. 
    In 1917 John Heartfield became a follower of the Dada movement in Berlin and that same year he joined the German Communist Party (KPD). He met George Grosz, who, like Heartfield, worked for the leftwing satirical publications "Die Pleite" and "Der Knüppel".
From 1924 to 1933 John Heartfield designed illustrations for the "Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung", the Communist Party mouthpiece. 
    John Heartfield developed an experimental approach to the graphic arts. He often worked with photomontage, using the medium to create pictures that made extraordinarily powerful statements. Under the influence of George Grosz, John Heartfield went on from there to develop the political photomontage. From 1920 John Heartfield designed his first stage sets for Erwin Piscator and Max Reinhardt. In 1929 Heartfield contributed photomontages to Kurt Tucholsky's "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles
             These are three examples of arts featuring the elements of Dadaism.

                     I. " Hand has Five Fingers," John Heartfield (born Helmut Herzfeld),  1928
                            II.  "Dada Conquerors," Raoul Hausmann,  1920
                            III. "Trench Warfare," Otto Dix, 1932

     All of these three pictures emphasize artists idea of describing social political condition of the society whose government is loosing control of the welfare of its population, culminating to political anger , disuniting , disorganized, and further more, steps  into the war. "Dada Conquerors,'' Raoul Hausmann, 1920
attempted psychologically to send a  cynicism  message about the conventional society's values especially in Europe. A
n audience, can synthesize  that a message could be : DADA there is revolt in our society; something that can be avoided. For Fact, by the same period, that these Dada arts  manifested, a war collapse in Europe known as the World War I.

    How does one achieve eternal bliss? By saying Dada. How does one become famous? By saying Dada. With a noble gesture and delicate propriety. Till one goes crazy. Till one loses consciousness. How can one get rid of everything that smacks of journalism, worms, everything nice and right, blinkered, moralistic, Europeans, enervated? By saying Dada. Dada is the world soul, Dada is the pawnshop. Dada is the world's best lily-milk soap. Dada Mr Rubiner, Dada Mr Korrodi. Dada Mr Anastasius Lilienstein. In plain language: the hospitality of the Swiss is something to be profoundly appreciated. And in questions of aesthetics the key is quality.   Dada Manifesto (1916, Hugo Ball)

  Information sends to us from this quote converge with Nietzsky philosophy's that " God is dead". the truth about religion differ from science.Where is the place of God to solve the need and social issues of everyone. In Germany,disorder and  trouble emerged on by what is the purpose of happiness in their society on issues like Distribution of income. and individual social status. pioneer of Dada = Anti-Nazi, Anti-Jesus. what a disjunctive life it was can you Imagine?  Yesterday,Today Mama  if mama is always rich and swishing to forever Dada leaving mama poor forever the majority of people refuted and there is war.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Nihilism in Germany.

Historical refutation as the definite refutation.-- In former times, one sought to prove that there is no God- today one indicates how the belief that there is a God arosed and how this belief acquired its weight and importance: a counter-proof that there is no God thereby becomes superfluous.- When in former times one had refuted the proofs of the existence of God' put forward, there always remained the doubt whether better proofs might not be adduced than those just refuted: In those days atheist did not know to make a clean sweep.
         From Nietzsche's Daybreak,s. 95, R.J.
                                                    Hollingdale transl.
     The foundation of Christianity since the ancient time to present has been exposed to many civil revolutions. Today Christianity is among the first religion in the word ( Judaism, Christianity, Islam ). Those who have been inspired by the believe of one God should not be reputed by the society nor the atheists. Each society has an established government that oversees the interest of all the citizens.  I did  not see Christian's religion harmful to any institution or government as long as it doesn't bring tumult, harm and disturb the common welfare of the population.
     Friedrich Nietzsche, asserts correctly, that a central aspect of Christian thinking was the endless search of the truth, or the :will to the truth" the overwhelming desire and urge to know the truth.God is commonly identified as the source of truth and knowledge and the "bringer of light." But it is the same relentless pursuit of the truth that in modern scientific age undermines the foundations of religion. In his view, these moral beliefs were completely incompatible with our ''life-affirming'' vital instincts, and to that extent nihilistic in that were against"life. We can infer from this statement, that, Nietzsche opposes Christianity, and demonstrated so, by comparing the priest classes who manage and oversee morality and the institutions which support them secretly have the same desires for power and glory.(Friedrich Nietzsche, the Portable Nietzsche, translated by Walter Kaufman).                                                                                                        Compared to any organization institution or community, or religion psychologically all are founded in one idea  to be rich or wealthy or the source of wealth  dependents on them. The truth is that There hasn't been any concrete evidence that human should believe in one divinity. A fact is that, each society or institution relies on scientific discoveries to modernized their lifestyles.
                                                       The German Economy.

     Germany had encounter deep economic crisis after World War I and World War II. Actually, the fifth  world largest economy and Europe's largest, Germany's main financial resource is based on  exporting  machinery, vehicles, chemicals, and household equipment and benefits from a highly skilled labor force. (CIA links). Like its Western European neighbors, Germany faces significant demographic challenges to sustained long-term growth. Low fertility rates and declining net immigration are increasing pressure on the country's social welfare system and necessitate structural reforms.(CIA links)

       To Balanced Germain'economic system, the government of Chancellor Gerhard Schoeder (1998-2005),  has launched several reform deemed necessary to address chronically high unemployment and low average growth, contributed to strong growth in 2006 and 2007 and falling unemployment. These advances, as well as a government subsidized, reduced working hour scheme, help explain the relatively modest increase in unemployment during the 2008-09 recession - the deepest since World War II - and its decrease to 6.5% in 2012.  Gross Domestic Productivity  (GDP) contracted 5.1% in 2009 but grew by 3.7% in 2010, and 3.0% in 2011, before dipping to 0.9% in 2012 - a reflection of the worsening euro-zone financial crisis and the financial burden it places on Germany as well as falling demand for German exports.

     The latest stimulus and stabilization efforts initiated in 2008 and 2009 and tax cuts introduced in Chancellor Angela Merkel's second term has increased  Germany's budget deficit to 3.3% in 2010, but slower spending and higher tax revenues reduce the deficit to 1.7% in 2011, and the government estimates it had a balanced budget in 2012. 

    Based on all of the economy concrete facts, let assert that Germany's population is decreasing from low immigration rate and fertility rates. Without, strong labor force, and population Germany's economy will decline.